Ahh, the Upper West Side. A suburban-like oasis in the heart of NYC. A bastion of baby stroller-filled brunches. A Woody Allen movie come to life. Seinfeld's address of choice. A playground of monstrous museums and green parkland. As clean as the City gets, perhaps. Why can't every neighborhood have a little UWS in 'em? Don't get us wrong, we're bored stiff on Columbus and 81st...truth be told, our nose starts to bleed as soon as we cross 23rd Street...but as much as it pains us to admit it, it sure is clean up there in 'dem parts.
Just have a look at the above sign we came across at the dog walk near the Planet-arium...
Can you imagine this posted near Washington Square?
Maybe we're getting old, or maybe a little crazy...but there sure is something nice about the clean, green, UWS.
How can we bring some of that uptown sensibility downtown? Send us your thoughts and we'll post our favorites.
Alright Trashy! Finally, you've shown us that life exists above 14th Street...and do I detect a hint of longing for the cleaner streets of "Northern" New York City?
Couldn't agree more Trashy! The UWS is wonderful and so are the people that live there (or used to live there). Tell your pals downtown to give a hoot for cryin' out loud...
yea trashy, how about heading out to queens? the BX!? I DARE YoU!!!!
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